Chapter 2

Stairway of Memories

When she was pushed towards the stairway, by the out-of-order elevator, her legs refused to move forward while crossing his floor. The steps reminded her of the privacy it had offered to her untamed...

Attention Seeking

Neither did she ask for anyone’s attention nor did she get any. But, she couldn’t resist the temptation when he showered her with attention. Was it her own deprivation that led and then misled her...

The Player

Even though he had never confessed yet she was well-aware about not being exclusive to him. His hot and cold attitude and utter disregard to her emotions were speaking volumes about the imbalance in...

Ran its course…

She has gone through emotional trails after drifting apart from him. The attraction had got her closer to her unfulfilled self, which had been buried in the deepest corner of her heart. Unknowingly, she...

No Label

Although her connection with him was instant, free-flowing and effortless they didn’t dive in to put a label on it. She wasn’t his girlfriend and he wasn’t her boyfriend, yet affection and physical appeal...

Wrong Direction

Perhaps things went for a toss between them when she unconsciously started taking their connection ahead. She didn’t realise that they weren’t meant to go anywhere. Their equation was thrown off balance when the sensual...

Unspoken Intimacy

Whether it was their first lip lock on the staircase or the ardent canoodling in the building’s basement, there was barely any meeting where he could keep his hands off her. His passion took her...

A Better Fit

She saw her sitting in her immaculate dress and flawless makeup in the office cafeteria. With distress, she started sizing her up in comparison to her own self and was afraid to admit that...

Head vs Heart

While she was going through emotional purging and trying hard to organise her thoughts, her eyes caught him walking past her workplace. All her promises made to herself about not getting distressed by him...


She was wounded by her false hope. She was expecting emotional validation and acceptance from an emotionally unavailable man for whom nothing was good enough. He was the bottomless pit where she kept putting her...