Dessert binging, chain-smoking, shabby dressing and no physical workout were the pillars of her coping mechanism to tackle the emotional outburst of parting from him.
Inadvertently, going on a rant about him with her friends was also another way for her to grapple her sentiments.
With this support system, she has been surviving the heartache for quite some time.
Her mechanism was working so well that it didn’t occur to her when her comfort zone created for heartache turned into a zone for excuses.
Her bulging waistline, smoker’s lips and unkempt hair were narrating her current ‘tale of neglect’ rather than ‘heartbreak of the past.’ More than this type of defective mechanism, her unanchored emotions needed something more significant to support her in getting back up and making her resilient. The old system had to depart go create room for the new.
It was time to break free from the eating disorder, lethargy and above all stop rambling about her ex.
The realisation of self-trapping in the faulty coping strategies had hit her harder and nudged her to prioritise herself; to be herself again.