Chapter 3

High maintenance

Her upmarket lifestyle, holidays at exotic destinations and love for finer things in life earned her the high-maintenance tag in his eyes. She wanted to object every single time he called her demanding but her...

Picture perfect

With passing time, she was letting go of him bit by bit. After unfollowing him and erasing every hint of him from her social media, she heaved a sigh of relief. This respite was not...

Conflicting Routes

While she was taking the road of emotional intimacy to get to physical closeness, he was apparently, trying to go the other way around by opting for physical intimacy to develop an emotional connect. Both...

Out-of-place priority

While she was going down on his priority list, he was riding higher on her preferences. This dynamic soon turned lopsided with him being placed on a pedestal and her being treated as an option. Shortly,...


Dissecting each and every facet of her connection with him was filling up her days. She was getting into the loop of what-ifs with the congested thoughts. What if she would have done certain things...


Until she was connected to him she kept oscillating relentlessly between her desires and morals, being attracted to him and her self-esteem, her emotions and her reasons, being clingy and letting go. The aftereffect of...

Emotional makeover

There isn’t anything that looks different about her, but a major transformation has taken place in her. She was gradually reconnecting with herself by accepting her own emotions that led her towards despair. It’s been a...


Her go-getter attitude, strong determination and dominant persona were among some of her traits that had taken a back seat after he made an entry in her life. His over-the-top charm had subdued her otherwise...

Ready for rebuilding

She was mindful that the tried and tested methods won’t work for her and she needed to craft her own repair mould. The excruciating pain of separation had been consistently hampering her life. She needed...

Bursting the bubble

When the dust begins to settle all hopes of connecting to him were also fading away. Around this time, she started craving for closure and the need to know the truth behind his indifference. She...