Blast from the past

More than the conflicting emotions, it was her rough past that was empowering her to accept that she has lost him ‘forever’ and it is ‘okay’. This wasn’t her first breakup but for sure, it was the hardest and most painful to get over. She was introduced to myriads of emotions and facets of life after she had snapped their connection.

While checking her old harddisk she stumbled upon a few pictures reminding her about how she had sailed through challenging times in her life. Her past not only provided the much-needed nudge about her resilience but also reminded her about how she had taken control of complicated situations.

Whether it was her mother’s premature death or flunking in her favourite subject or sudden weight gain, nothing was short of fighting a battle. Her inner voice was whispering, “You have done it in the past and you can do it again.” This is what was needed to get past the suffering – self-believe and a short recap about how she grew through the ups and downs of life.

Like all the bumpy pieces of her life, this one had given a lesson too.

Acceptance irrespective of its positive or negative nature.

She saved her old photo, looking all chubby with her mom and pressed reset to make the picture her new screen saver by overlapping the one with him.

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